Tianjin Cn-Gabion Co., Ltd.

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You are here: Home > PRODUCTS >> Steel wire mesh >> welded wire mesh
  • weld mesh roll

    weld mesh roll   ·        [Multi Purposes]: Half inch hardware cloth, ideal for snake fence, chicken wire, opossum rehab cages,chicken coops run,rabbit fencing, flower beds, wide gutters guard, fruit trees, vegetable garden, to keep out small critters such as voles, gophors, racoons,etc. ·    ...... Read More

  • weld mesh roll

    weld mesh roll 🔴 The quality of galvanized hardware cloth depends on two aspects: wire type and galvanizing process. CN-GABION uses low carbon steel wires, which are very strong and flexible. CN-GABION adopts the double galvanizing process to ensure that all solder joints are coated with zinc, because rust usually starts from the solder joints 🔵 ...... Read More

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