Tianjin Cn-Gabion Co., Ltd.

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  • lobster wire, crab wire

    lobster wire, crab wire The trap can consist of a  wood  frame surrounded by mesh. The majority of the newer traps found in the Northeast of the US and the Canadian  Maritimes  consist of a plastic-coated metal frame. A piece of bait, often  fish  or  chum , is placed inside the trap, and the traps are dropped onto the sea floor...... Read More

  • Gabion Box

    Gabion Box Woven Mesh Gabion Baskets or Gabion Cages and mattresses are purpose designed stone filled wire mesh baskets or cages for use as retaining structures. They are also sometimes referred to as just stone filled bastions, stone cages or baskets. Gabion baskets are an economical, environmental and established solution for structural retaining wal...... Read More

  • RENO Mattress

    RENO Mattress Woven Mesh Gabion Baskets or Gabion Cages and mattresses are purpose designed stone filled wire mesh baskets or cages for use as retaining structures. They are also sometimes referred to as just stone filled bastions, stone cages or baskets. Gabion baskets are an economical, environmental and established solution for structural reta...... Read More

  • u channel fence post

    u channel fence post   ... Read More

  • Gabion Box

    Gabion Box   Woven Mesh Gabion Baskets or Gabion Cages and mattresses are purpose designed stone filled wire mesh baskets or cages for use as retaining structures. They are also sometimes referred to as just stone filled bastions, stone cages or baskets. Gabion baskets are an economical, environmental and established solution for structural retaining...... Read More

  • Weld Gabion

    Weld Gabion Gabions are purpose designed and manufactured specialist stone filled wire mesh baskets or cages for use in the construction of retaining walls and slope stabilisation. Weld Mesh Gabions are offered as an alternative to our range of  Woven Mesh Gabion baskets . ... Read More

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